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Minggu, 31 Juli 2011


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Materi I : Introduction
Untuk Kelas VII

I.       Choose the correct answers by giving a cross (x) on a, b, c, or d !

For items no. 1 to 5, read this texts.

Well everybody,
I’like to introduce you my self. I am Miss Dara. My name is Dara Apriyanto. I am your English Teacher. I live at Sukasari Street No. 65. Ok. I think that’s all. Thank you.
1.      “Well everybody”is a …
a.       Greeting                         b. opening                   c. regard                      d. core
2.      Sukasari street No. 65 is the teacher’s …
a.       Age                                b. height                      c. address                    d. weight
3.      Dara is the teacher’s …
a. nick name                         b. call name                 c. complete name        d. full name
4.      The closing of the text above is …
a.       Okay                              b. I think                     c. I think it’s all           d. Thank you
5.      The text is …
a.       An introducing              c. an invitation
b.  An advertisemen           d. an announcement

Attention :
-You can write the questions or print out them,,(DOWNLOAD)
-Must be given a week since it published

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